
Showing posts from September, 2022

What Are the Side Effects of Diabetes?

     Diabetes can cause damage to the eye. The retina is the part of the eye that provides vision. Besides, intact blood vessels mean that the nerves in the feet receive blood. Damage to these blood vessels is one of the side effects of diabetes ( sugar ka ilaj ). It can also damage the nerves in the kidneys. These side effects are serious enough to warrant the care of a physician. However, the good news is that diabetes is a treatable disease. Diabetic retinopathy Diabetic retinopathy is characterized by changes in the retina and may eventually lead to blindness. It is treatable, but early diagnosis is critical. Treatment options include laser surgery and vitrectomy. In some cases, watchful waiting and medication may be enough. Kidney damage Kidney damage is one of the common side effects of diabetes. It develops when the filters in the kidney become damaged, allowing abnormal amounts of protein to leak into the urine. The main protein that leaks out of damaged kidneys is a

Headache Pain Treatments

          Headache pain treatments ( sar dard ka ilaj ) are available over-the-counter and often contain a variety of medications. These medications include NSAIDs, Indocin, Prednisone, and Opioids. The combination of one of these drugs may be more effective than a single ingredient pain reliever. NSAIDs The first line of treatment for headache pain typically involves simple pain relievers like aspirin and ibuprofen. However, the frequent use of pain relievers can have other side effects, such as dependence and increased risk of overuse headaches. In this case, it is best to seek medical help.   NSAIDs are effective for headache pain treatment and can be used as an abortive agent in some patients. For example, in a population-based randomized trial of 289 patients, acetaminophen (1000 mg) was found to alleviate pain and function and reduce phonophobia and photophobia. In addition, a combination of NSAIDs and caffeine has been shown to be effective in treating migraine-associated pain i